def about_me():

allen chang(he/him)

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cylumn๐Ÿคฏseas.upenn.educurriculum vitae

I'm an incoming PhD student at Penn NLP , where I will have the privilege to be advised by Mark Yatskar. I am interested in language for grounded social interactions.

My work is generously supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Previously, I completed a BS in Computer Science and BS in Applied Math at USC Viterbi . I am very fortunate to have worked with Maja Matariฤ‡, Jesse Thomason, and Stefanos Nikolaidis. My undergraduate research was on language and vision (Interspeech 2023), social inference and reasoning (ACII 2022), and learning from synthetic data (AAAI 2024).

I have had the pleasure to intern at the CMU Robotics Institute with Jean Oh, MIT Haystack Observatory with Mary Knapp, and Tsinghua University with Shaoxu Song.

I am extremely grateful for my peers, collaborators, and community who have helped me immensely, including Leena Mathur, Lauren Klein, Tejas Srinivasan, Serena Booth, Matthew Fontaine, Beverley-Claire Okogwu, Peter Schaldenbrand, Eliot Xing, members and alumni from CAIS++ and our advisor Bistra Dilkina.

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